Listen here dear readers,(^_^)

This is my zone,do respect me as the owner. Ini tempat saya meluahkan rasa.
Untuk orang yang saya suka,untuk orang yang suka saya.

Andai mahu menegur,bertegur sapa,please leave your message in my message box.

Andai nukilan saya mengguris rasa,ampun maaf saya pinta.
Andai nukilan saya MENYAKITKAN MATA, tinggalkan blog ini dengan SEGERA.

Andai nukilan saya BUAT ANDA GEMBIRA TERUJA , bacalah dengan senyum di muka.

Lots of love,


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Friday, December 17, 2010

new life begins..

i'm now officially IIUM impian aku,impian arwah umi..impian keluarga..
umi..kak masuk doh uia,tapi not as law student,but as BENL student..tapi kak still pelajar uia..=)

so far eveyrthing is okay,bilik ok.roomate pun ok..senior ok,semua2 ok..
for now dh mkin bz..and i don't think that i'll update my post daily as i never do that before..huhuhuhu....i'll update my blog when i feel wanna do so..besides, x tahu pe nk tulis..lau mood x de..hajat haty nk update gmbar2 taa'ruf..p x bwk usb..huhuhu..

sangat suka iium..can't believe i'm now is a part of this uni..btw..

congratulations to all iium debators as they're runner up for the FIRST OIC INTERVARSITY DEBATE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

jealous melous

yes i am!i'm sooooo jealous with u!hahahaha..jealous lorh tengok belog kawan2,or belog sape2 yang lawa2...hohoho.saya pun nak jugak belog lawa,tapi bila fikir balik,i'm not the one who is stick with this blogging stuff..who are love to update their blog with the new entry,make a lot of friends through their blogs..sharing informations,sharing recipes,sharing evrything in their live..suka sangat tgk diaorang BERKONGSI..besar kut makna kongsi tu..(^_^)..manis nya lain lau dapat kita rasa...lain sangat.

okay,enuff sekarang pe perlu saya wat .kalau saya mahu tmbh kawan??

btw,saya mahu ucap tahniah kat seorang kakak yang saya selalu jugak view blog dia,Kak Nadya..tahniah Kak Nadya,kerana bakal jadi ibu..(^_^)