Listen here dear readers,(^_^)

This is my zone,do respect me as the owner. Ini tempat saya meluahkan rasa.
Untuk orang yang saya suka,untuk orang yang suka saya.

Andai mahu menegur,bertegur sapa,please leave your message in my message box.

Andai nukilan saya mengguris rasa,ampun maaf saya pinta.
Andai nukilan saya MENYAKITKAN MATA, tinggalkan blog ini dengan SEGERA.

Andai nukilan saya BUAT ANDA GEMBIRA TERUJA , bacalah dengan senyum di muka.

Lots of love,


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Monday, October 19, 2009


bismillahirahmanirrahim usual,after viewing my favourites blogs(iqah's blog and fatin's blog) i will post my new post..i do not know why,but i'm love to read their journal..).for both of them,you are my sifu.. hmmmm,nothing much to say and to share,.but i still want to share something..aku nak mulakan dari mana ya??haa... semalam,18 oktober..macam2 benda jadi..angah gagal dihubungi sehari suntuk,migrain aku datang,having a fight with my hunny(act.,not really a fight,it is just a misunderstanding...),talking to julia,i think listening to her problems more suits..and many make me going upside down...haila...migrain sampai muntah aku dibuatnya.. ni semua pasal nak cuba jadi problem solver la konon,,, cik fatihah,awak itu hamba allah yang serba,you dont have to be a problem solver as you are a problem maker....get it!! i'm feel so sleepy...maybe tell the whole story tomorrow....huarrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh..ngantuk.... p/s:tengah suka gila lagu sehati berdansa..lalalalalalala estoy enamorado deti

Saturday, October 17, 2009


thanks ya.. sudi menitiskan air mata untuk aku tapi lain kali aku tidak mahu kau buat macam 2 lagi...
he always there if i need somebody...
she is my heartbeat too
always gimme advice we share our spirit to each other..
hehehe..thanks sudi jadi abang dan kawan dalam masa yang sama... p/s:thanks people,this is my equation gambar+tulisan=my life!! cayang korang....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

aku,gambar dan tulisan

bismillahirahmanirrahim.. actually,tataw nak tulih apa,bak kat omputeh i have no idea... kadang2,tulisan boleh mewakili kita.. kadang2,gambar menerangkan segalanya..sekarang cuba kita tambah keduanya.. gambar+tulisan=aku and my life,it can be your life too!! why??because,my life is just like a web...kalu dibuat siratan,it is too complicated to explain...too hard to understand if you do not know me.. tapi,aku bersyukur punya life sebegini..sebab having a life like this i can know some people better than before,know some new friends....create new memories,remembering da past histories and learn from my past,....alhamdulillah..syukur ya this is a equation..(ingat hlovate je ke pandai buat equation?) gambar+tulisan=nurul.. gambar?x dapat di upload..tension!!!!!!!! p/s:kejam tak lau baling my lappy nih???(+_+)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

hmmmm,i think i miss something

bismillahirrahmanirrahim... baru lepas view blog teman2ku...antara yang jadi mangsa iqah,teah and muny.. happy for both of my friends,sara and rafiqah...because they can adapt themselves in cairo.. happy tengok both of you jalan2...together.i wish if i can join you guys there.. di telinga aku sekarang sedang bermain lagu kau sahabat kau teman by hijjaz.. macam2 aku rasa,aku fikir sekarang ni...oh ya,thanks sara,for callling me...thanks as you stick with our promise..remember each other,even we're miles apart... actually,aku tataw nak tulih apa....tapi gatal tangan nak menaip.. bak kata min gegeh..hahahaha...well,aku baru nak try upload pics..and i decide to upload the meaningful pics to share....kui3x...nurulzzz present you"my life" necklace from it so much!!! teddy ni,my hubby bagi ami and julia..thanks for the suprise ya... min...tq for everything..