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Andai nukilan saya MENYAKITKAN MATA, tinggalkan blog ini dengan SEGERA.

Andai nukilan saya BUAT ANDA GEMBIRA TERUJA , bacalah dengan senyum di muka.

Lots of love,


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Sunday, October 31, 2010


secara jujur nya...mood blogging agak kurang sedikit sekarang..huhuhu..tapi mood bercerita sangat lah banyak...
and frankly speaking, i do not know where I wanna start..
bercerita pasal semester akhir di cfs,ada pahit dan manisnya..I went through all those things with some other new friends..i mean new heartbeat..which is Julia Noratika...knowing her for past 3 semesters,a word can describe her  is "good". It is good to have her as my fellow,it is good to have her as my buddies,and it is good to know her as a person named Julia. So far, for this semester,I find that I can do it better than past two semester.many great things happen,make me feel great as a student.having new classmates,new subjects to study makes me feel a little bit stress at the first,but then it slowly change...I have people that want to give me support when i felt so down, give me some brilliant ideas,a partner that always try to make me feel comfortable to work with..lectures that make me want to do better in my studies..
"THANKS A LOT PEOPLE" for the supports,guidance,ideas and cooperation.

And now,I'm waiting for my next destination,my next station, main campus of International Islamic University of Malaysia. A place that I'm hope that it can change me to a better person, a better students...

p/s : One of my classmate, my sifu in bloging stuff, FtnFth is going to Egypt to further her study in Dentistry...looks like I don't have my Grammar tutor anymore..='(
all the best for you Ftn..doa ko ore cini deh...

memori with fatin,she's wearing green kurung,white tudung with spectacles...gonna miss you fatin..